Wednesday, 16 December 2009

My Head in a Tag Cloud

Strange the way things come together. Have made contact with old friends over the past few weeks and new contacts have offered new links and ideas. Brenda  is working in France on local green issues and suggested I opened up the comments. So I have. Caleb Gattegno's Educational Solutions has changed hands and now most of his extensive writing is available to read on-line. Re-inventing Education is increasingly important. Gattegno suggested that we "sub-ordinate teaching to learning".
After many years interest in the use of charcoal to improve soils both in my own garden/allotment and when in Zambia in early 70s, BioChar is now big news. Can you imagine the internal surface area of a lump of charcoal no bigger than a sugar lump being 100m2!! Imagine you are a micro-organism. What a great place to live. terra preta
Rolf Jucker gave an interesting seminar at IRIS in Cheltenham on 4th Dec. "Systemic Change in the Age of Stupid" Swiss goings on in ESD. He is Director of Swiss Foundation for Environmental Education.
I'm still struggling with what to use as tags. Too many tags makes the tag cloud I'm using weaker, too few restricts the concepts/ideas in the cloud. Restricted vocabulary or free? What happens in ESD Electronic Service Delivery that is when the words you think are really important for survival, such as resilience, soil improvement, rich soil, power down, energy descent, energy decline, limits to growth, are not included?
Wonderful, wonderful COP15. Will it be??
Have a look at 10x10, Ecoloqo & of course my Diigo tag cloud.